Ashlane Hale Certified Rolfer®

 What is fascia?

The tissue, which Rolfers work, is fascia.  Fascia is the thin membrane that holds the body together; the official “organ of form”. If you removed everything in the body except for fascia, you would have a perfect blueprint of the inside of yourself.  Fascia is largely composed of receptors that give proprioceptive and interoceptive information to the system. This makes it the richest tissue in the body for experiencing the sense of position, location, orientation, and movement of the body and its parts in space. As well, these receptors give rise to the sensations that occur on the inside of the body which are coupled with the result of the coalescence of the world of objective values with your own substance through which you relate to reality…in other words, your orientation to life is layered in this tissue.  Fascia is a record keeper of everything that has occurred in your life.  It is the expression of the way you have integrated these experiences.  This makes clear Dr. Rolf’s statement, “The way a man walks through a room is the way he walks through life.”